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Enterprise Resource Planning

  /  Enterprise Resource Planning

Academia ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning

Academia ERP is the complete enterprise solution for colleges & universities looking to automate their Academic and Administrative processes. This comprehensive suite streamlines complete student life cycle from Enquiry to Graduation as well as administrative processes such as Inventory, Hostel, Library, Human Resources etc. The product is built on cutting-edge Java technology and is robust & scalable.

Academia ERP impacts all the functions & departments and removes manual intervention as far as possible, making execution of processes smooth and leading to increased efficiency and greater control on the system.

Academia ERP Efficient Work-Process

Efficient Work-Process

Automation & Streamlining of functions bring efficient work- process flow.

Better Control with Academia ERP over institutional processes

Better Control

Standardization of processes and quick access to information lead to better control on system.

High ROI with Academia ERP

Enhanced Productivity

Academia ERP increases productivity by streamlining workflow across departments.

Quick decision making through Academia ERP

Quick decision making

Smooth information flow and accessibility to data / reports enable quick decision making.

Academia ERP Features

Campus Setup

Set up campus details.

Program Management

Create and manage the different programs/degrees that run in the institute.

Enroll/Un-enroll students in a program/degree.

Courses Management

Create and manage Courses.

Define the credits, hours and sections for the Courses.

Pre-admission/Admission Management

Manage database of Enquiries and prospective students and follow ups.

Manage application process.

Student registration information.

Website, Email & SMS integration.

Student Information System

Maintain detailed student profile.

Generate student ID card and barcode.

Aggregate student information from all other modules.

Academic Registration

Map students to specific programs and courses.

Enrollment in semester.

Enroll faculty to department & courses.

Time-Table Management

Manage multiple templates, master time table creation process.

Conflict checking for students, courses, faculties and rooms at time of time-table entry and various reports.

Extend time table for attendance marking system.

File Management

Manage Files > Created Files

This module will help you to send the file for approval to multiple stack owners in an organisation digitally and manually.

Using this module, User can upload a file/document and send it for approval/verification to higher authority

User can also define file type

User can provide a tittle to the file, reference number gets generated automatically

Provision to select Academy Location in the form

File owner can be entered in the form

Date of creation, Due date, Priority, Other details & Remarks can also be added

File can be assigned to any member in the associated Academy Locations

Status for the file can be managed (Pending, In process, On Hold, Approved etc) along with date and remark

Manage Files > Assigned Files

Here, User can view the file assigned to him/her for verification/approval

File can be forwarded to any other associated users

File acknowledgement can be done from here

New documents can be uploaded to the same file/form

Status of the file can be tracked

Committee Management

Using committee management, a user can create committee, associated event, invite members and send message/email to participants

A new committee can be created using Add button

User can define committee code, committee name, its coordinator and academy location

Committee validity (From Date and To Date), its status and description can also be added

More information such as users, programs, courses, faculties, facilities, equipment and external resources can be added using ADD MEETING button

Front Desk Management

Using Front desk management, Users can manage entry for inward and outward shipments in the office/premises

Item category and unique item number can be auto generated

User can manage sender and receiver details in the system

Shipment details such as service provider, docket number, bill details, etc can be managed

User can enter remark for shipment and upload the related documents in the system

Security Gate Management

Using security gate management, Visitor entry or appointments can be managed

Security management can be used to create & manage appointments and visitors

User can also define visitor category and unique booking id will be auto generated

Visitor's details such as name, contact details, email etc can be captured in the system

Visitor's reason for visit, in and out time, appointment date and person to meet can be captured in the system

Attendance Record Management

Integration with time table to generate session (periods) details for attendance.

Course section wise student’s attendance marking.

Integration with Biometric based student class attendance solution (optional).

Class Roster, Attendance reports, Email/SMS alerts.

Library Management

Create and manage book/periodicals/journal/CD-DVD and other media records.

Generate Library Cards for Student, faculties and library books.

Issue/receive library items to students/faculties.

Online book reservation by students/faculties.

Enquiries, Tenders, Offer Comparison, Purchase orders and Purchase bills.

Integrate RFID/Barcode.

Exam & Mark sheet Management

Pre-Examinations Preparation

Exam Notifications

Exam courses and student registration

Exam Schedule

Exam Day

Exam Student Attendance Management

Post Exam

Student performance and mark entries

Grade, Percentage, GPA, CGPA management

Result preparation

Reports for result analysis

Overall Reports for exam and Marksheet management

Fees Management

Multiple fee plans creation.

Enroll student in single/multiple fee plan.

Generate fee submit and receipt.

Fee related reports, Fee head breakups for ex Outstanding report, Collection report (Head wise/Student wise).

Sponsor and student invoicing.

Certificates & Document Management

Student /Faculty/Employee can request certificates that he/she wants to get issued. Auto approval, manual approval; rejection and complete certificate/document issue management can be done.

Generate document using document generator and print the certificates/documents directly on Institute stationary or pre-defined format is also present.

Documents handed over at time of admission.

These could include: Domicile Certificate, Birth Certificate, Mark Sheets, Entrance Exam Certificate

Human Resource Management

Manage integrated and centralized employee database with filtered search capabilities.

Maintain comprehensive employee profiles covering a wide range of essential workforce data – dependents information, contact details, educational details, work history and more.

Configure all master settings and sub-fields like company, department, sub department, employee hierarchy etc.

Configure employee working hours and employee leaves for “Leave & Timesheet management”.

Manage multi level leave approval.

Mark attendance daily and direct import from biometric machine.

Manage employee timesheet. View, approve or reject employee timesheet details.

Various standard reports, which will satisfy even the most, sophisticated reporting requirements.

Hostel Management

Maintain details about hostels, floors, rooms, room type, bed number, warden, manager.

Manage bed reservation.

Store and retrieve student information that avail hostel facility.

Link hostel management with fees and inventory management module.

Manage hostel attendance.

Email and SMS integration on Bed allotment/deallotment and hostel attendance.

Hostel announcement feature for students, guest and faculties.

Inventory/Store Management

Maintain a complete control overall the items (Capital and Consumable).

Create and maintain list of categorized products and items with serial number along with vendor details.

Requisitions (With Approval/Denial).

Enquiries, offers and comparison.

Purchase orders & Quotation based on comparisons.

Item Booking, issues and returns.

Internal transfers and stock journals.

Returnable and Non returnable gate-passes.